Saturday, October 25, 2008

I'm Really a Giant Nerd

How excited was I that I was finally able to get this to work for my calculus discussion board about homework help questions? Don't ask. It's too embarrassing. It's quite possible that I high-fived myself...but at least it wasn't a high-π, which is just about the nerdiest thing I've ever done in public.


Chris H. said...

That is very cool - I wish I was so lucky to have such an aid when I was first learning calc. Nice work!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa. You hit the nail on the head there, Al.

Alex said...

Sure, Perles, it seems nerdy to most folks, but chris h. said it was "very cool", so there.

OneN said...

That would be geek, Al, you are a geek, much better than a nerd. At least that is what the one with all the N's keeps telling me when she calls me a geek.