One of the things I do for you every day, because I'm a little bit of a hero, is I check to see if this light is on. I'm really a one-woman (and one-dog) safety patrol. If that light is ever on when I walk by, and if I remember to have my cell phone with me on my walk, don't worry: I will call that number. I am poised and ready to dial.
Don't you feel better about the safety of your city already?
I will sleep better tonight.
Hee! Thanks, Al! Both for guarding my safety and making me laugh.
Now...would you call using 612, 651, 952, 763 or some other prefix? I am a bit concerned that no one has thought to update the sign with an area code! I don't know if I can sleep at night knowing you might be in danger. What if the phone number doesn't connect you with anyone because there IS NO AREA CODE! GAH!
Fear not! It is totally old-school Minneapolis. I have absolute faith that it is 612. You can try dialing it if it would make you feel better.
Do you suppose that, when you called, if you just said "The red light is on!" they would know exactly where you were and what to do?
They would totally know what to do if you called the number and said "The red light was on at This Certain Place!" (That's not the only red light box in the city)
Oh, god. That seems like a heavy responsibility. I just thought I'd be able to call with frightened, incoherent screams. Now I have to know my location and everything. But it's OK. I can do it!
You're a good woman. And this sign makes me giggle.
So Rachael, knower of all things red light box, what exactly triggers the red light?
I don't know _exactly_ I'm not the knower of ALL things red light box. The light is there to warn of a power failure at a lift station. It could be a sanitary sewer or stormwater - but probably sanitary sewer.
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