Friday, January 01, 2010


In case you didn't receive this in the mail, here is my resolution list for 2010. Hope you're enjoying the day. Here in MN it's sunny and even colder than the thermometer says.

Dear Friends and Family,

I’ve never written the holiday letter or Christmas card before because I don’t have any cute kids to share with you. Buddy doesn’t like having his picture taken, and although I am pretty vain, I draw the line at sending everyone I know of photo of myself for Christmas. However, I am the number one fan of your holiday cards and photos, and so, to encourage you not to drop me from your list, here is my first annual New Years Resolution letter.

Whereas, I have room to improve and grow in 2010, be it resolved that this year I vow to do the following.

  1. Smile more, especially in November and February.
  2. Say goodbye to everyone when I leave a party
  3. Go to graduate school (finally) starting in March
  4. Go to the gym twelve times a month, until such time as it is warm enough to allow my membership to lapse
  5. Be less cheap
  6. Take the train to Portland, OR for Spring Break
  7. Go to my 15-year reunion, and be proud of what I’ve done in the last 15-years, even though I’ve never yet been ambassador to the U.N. Nor have I cured cancer. At least I didn’t join a cult.
  8. Run another half marathon and beat my time from last year
  9. Have more dinner parties
  10. Take myself out to dinner more
  11. Finish painting the basement
  12. Go to the Dominican Republic in the summer
  13. Join a running club and go more than twice before I quit
  14. Visit the Black Hills
  15. Learn to dance or at least take lessons.
  16. Go to a weekly exercise class at least four weeks in a row
  17. Say yes more
  18. Say no more
  19. Stop procrastinating
  20. Ask for help when I need it
  21. Write more
  22. Read more books
  23. Join a book club that reads books
  24. Design knitting patterns and write them down

Furthermore, the following resolutions will happen in 2010, although they will most likely not result in much growth or improvement.

  1. Watch the rest of West Wing, even though the walk-and-talk is starting to annoy me
  2. Forget to wash the dishes sometimes before I go to bed
  3. Hope that Buddy can survive the night without a third walk
  4. Laugh with my nephews and nieces and my pseudo nieces and nephews
  5. Eat many dinners at Jimmy and Judy’s house
  6. Knit in front of the TV
  7. Play Wii at Perley and Jill’s
  8. Watch So You Think You Can Dance with Sarah
  9. Eat at least one Jucy Lucy
  10. Eat too many croissants at A Baker’s Wife

Finally, the following resolutions will continue from last year (and the year before).

  1. Volunteer every other week at the library
  2. Donate blood sporadically
  3. Give everything I can to teaching, because it’s a job I love and do well
  4. Pay my mortgage close to on time
  5. Care deeply for my friends and family and the children of my friends and family.

I am grateful to have you in my life. Have a happy new year. Don’t forget to send any hot single guys you meet my way for a once over.

Love and kisses from Alex and Buddy


Anonymous said...

I hope you achieve all the stuff in your list. Good luck with it.

Diipo said...

I hope you have kept some of these resolutions especialy the part about going to the gym 12*12 times this year. Wish you well.

Admin said...

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