Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Sometimes I Disgust Myself

I'm sitting in my bed in a pile of sand that fell off of Buddy's fur during the day while he slept in my bed. I was running late this morning so I didn't make the bed, which meant that he got to do his favorite thing which is sleep directly on the bottom sheet on my side of the bed. The really disgusting part of this story is the thought that ran through my head as soon as I sat down this afternoon and noticed that my not-too-clean sheets were also infiltrated with dog sand. Unbidden my own voice entered my head, "God. I hope I remember to shake these sheets out before I climb into bed tonight." Apparently, it's not enough that my sheets are not-so-very-clean. It's not even enough that they are filled with sand transported by dog butt from bottom of the Mississippi river. Nope, until I caught myself thinking dirty thoughts about shaking them out and letting them go another night, I was STILL not going to wash them. Nasty.


ppc said...


Jill said...

You realize this nullifies your reason of why you don't like having a cat. I'd rather have cat litter in my bed than riverbed dog butt sand.

Alex said...

I changed the sheets. No more dog butt sand.

OneN said...

Now I don't feel so bad about the condition of our house when you come over...thanks. Dog butt sand is so much better than kitty litter.

rachael said...

Wow. I'll never have to clean before inviting you over.